How do I enroll my student in EduTutorVA tutoring?
If your child is enrolled at one of the schools that we currently serve in 2022-23: Westlawn Elementary, Walt Whitman Middle School, Mount Vernon Woods Elementary, Barcroft Elementary, Carlin Springs Elementary, William Ramsay Elementary, John Adams Elementary, Hutchison Elementary or Hammond Middle School, or Poe Middle School please speak to your school's administrator about making a referral.
How long are the tutoring sessions?
Most sessions are 45 to 60 minutes. Best practices research suggests that lessons should be 30-45 minutes for younger students and 60 minutes for older students.
How many days a week will my child have tutoring?
Our goal is for students to meet with their tutors 2 to 3 days a week. Frequent tutoring sessions best support content mastery. Sessions are held virtually on Zoom or Teams after school hours, at a time you agree upon with the tutor.
Will the tutor work with my child’s teacher to address academic needs?
Our program supports communication with classroom teachers to provide input on student needs.
How are the tutors trained?
We provide ongoing professional learning for our tutors through our workshops, and provide lesson planning and curriculum coaching from our Tutor Coaches: master educators who each closely mentor ten tutors. Most of our tutors are education majors at George Mason University and Northern Virginia Community College, so they also have support and instruction from their professors. Tutors are monitored throughout the semester so that best practices are engaged.
What is the cost of tutoring for parents?
There is no cost. EduTutorVA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides this service free to students.
Have the tutors had background checks through their school districts?
All our tutors have sufficiently passed the background checks of their respective school districts.
If I have a concern with a tutor, whom do I call?
You should call the school administrator or contact EduTutorVA directly if you have any concerns.
How will we know if the work with the tutor is effective?
We monitor the work of the tutor with your child and gather weekly reports from them. In addition, the students will be given pre and post tests each semester so that the tutors' work can be assessed, and plans for targeted tutoring can be developed.